of East & West
Winter 1994 (AI
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Front Cover: Azerbaijan is located between
what is generally identified as East and West, which makes it
a regional melting pot and provides it with a rich heritage of
multi-ethnic and multi-cultural diversity. Azerbaijan is neither
East nor West but rather a unique synthesis of both worlds. Design
by Pirouz Khanlou.
Back Cover: Haji Zeynalabedin Taghiyev (1823-1924)
one of the most philanthropic of the oil barons in Baku of last
century. Here he poses with his family in their residence which
was converted into a history museum during the Soviet Period.
Photo Courtesy by Mrs. Zuleykha Weber, a descendent of the daughter,
Leyla, who is playing the piano in the photo.
Azerbaijanis can neither
be defined as totally Eastern, nor totally Western, but a rich
synthesis of both. We describe the openness of Azerbaijanis to
the West. Special emphasis on "Contract
of the Century"
that SOCAR (Azerbaijan's State Oil Company) has signed with one
of the world's largest oil consortiums presently composed of
eleven international oil companies.
Check out our Photo Essay, "Baku's
Architecture: A Fusion of East and West," and our interview with Lotfi Zadeh, born in Baku and inventor of
"Fuzzy Logic," which enables control systems to deal
with the synthesis of categories, the "grays," not
just "black" and "white."
2 Reader's Forum
5 Editorial: Synthesis of East and West
7 Interview: President Heydar Aliyev:
"Oil Contract of the Century" - Betty Blair
10 Azerbaijan
and the Ominous Rumblings over Russia's "Near Abroad" - Charles H. Fairbanks, Jr. and
Elshan Alakbarov
13 Business Profile - Delta Nimir Khazar Ltd (DNKL)
14 Baku
Diary: Inching Towards the West - Susan Cornnell
20 Architecture:
Fusion of East and West
- Pirouz Khanlou
25 SOCAR Section
The Oil
Contract: Anticipating the Future - Natig Aliyev
"Contract of the Century" Finally Signed with Western
Oil Consortium
- Nasser Sagheb and Masoud Javadi
of the Oil Contract with the Western Consortium
The Status
of the Caspian
- Khoshbakht Yusifzade
Technology Transfer: Chevron / SOCAR Story
34 Trailblazer in Pursuit of Oil: Re-opening
of Azerbaijan to the West
- Anne Kressler
36 Legacy
of the Oil Barons, Part 3: Baku's Wedding Palace - Fuad Akhundov
39 Doing
Business in Azerbaijan: Most Frequently Asked Questions - Alum Bati
42 Diplomatic
Interview: Chinese Ambassador Sya Shuyun - Svetlana Turyalay
44 Journey
of Halves: Between Two Worlds - Arzu Samadova
46 Interview:
Lotfi Zadeh and Fuzzy Logic Theory - Betty Blair
Short Biographical
Sketch - Lotfi Zadeh (Creator of Fuzzy Logic)
54 Interview: Ali Salimi, Composer. Putting
Memories to Music, "Ayriliq" - Pirouz Khanlou (Azeri Version in Latin on page
60 Excerpts
from Aliyev's UN Speech
63 President Aliyev's Press Conference at the
UN, September 29, 1994
66 UNHCR: Humanitarian Relief in Azerbaijan:
An Assessment Two Years Later - Kaiser Zaman with Susan Cornnell
69 Iranian Refugee Camps under New Sponsorship
70 When Bureaucracy
Keeps Water from Children: Private American Relief Efforts for
Azerbaijani Refugees are Stymied by a US Regulation - Jane Olson
72 Baku Node Project - Dr. Jim Brown
UCLA Summer Azeri Language Course
Edmonds Community College (Washington) Brings Azerbaijani Students
to Seattle
75 Sustaining
the Spirit of
Azerbaijan via Contemporary Persian Literature (2): Dr. Golam
Husein Sa'edi's Samad and Azerbaijani Language (Azeri Written
in Arabic Script) - Abulfazl Bahadori
76 Glimpses
from the Past: The Sealed Provinces of the Czar - M. M. Shoemaker (1895)
79 Directory: Organizations Related to AzerbaijanFrom Azerbaijan
International (2.4) Winter 1994.
From Azerbaijan International (2.4) Winter 1994.
© Azerbaijan International 1994. All rights reserved.
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