Quest for Independence
Spring 1998 (AI 6.1)AI Home | Magazine Choice | Topics | Store | Contact us
To order this magazine issue or subscribeFront Cover: Photo taken by famous photojournalist "Reza," an Azerbaijani from Iran, while on assignment to cover Cory Aquino's Presidential election in Manila in 1986. Incumbent President, Ferdinand Marcos, had surrounded his palace with barbed wire and soldiers. When the Revolution broke out, people cut the wire for souvenirs to symbolize the end of 20 years of repression.
Yellow ribbons symbolized support for Aquino, widow of the assassinated Filipino opposition leader. Aquino claimed that Marcos' victory was fraud, and the Filipinos became so outraged that they forced him to leave the Philippines on his Inauguration Day, February 25. Aquino became President from 1986 to 1992. For more about "Reza" and his photojournalism, see articles beginning on page 33 and 38.
Back Cover: "Spring Day in Baku." A child's perception of Spring in Baku by Kamilla Hajiyeva Tsiperovich, 8 years old.
11 Editorial: Quest for Independence - Betty Blair
12 Baku Diary: The Many Faces of Freedom - Susan Cornnell
16 President Aliyev's Official Visit to Japan (February 24-27, 1998)
18 Diplomatic Series: French Ambassador - Jean Pierre Guinhut
22 Media Watch - Adil Baguirov
25 The Homeless Million - Paul Goble
26 Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan: Chronology of Major Events (1918-1920) - Fuad Akhundov
31 Leaders: Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (1918-1920) Rasulzade, Topchubashev, Khoyski, Yusifbeyli, Jafarov- Fuad Akhundov
33 Black January - Behind the Scenes with a Photojournalist - Reza with Betty Blair
38 In Pursuit of Freedom and Justice: Photojournalist, Reza - Betty Blair
42 In Azeri (Latin) Photojournalist Reza - Betty Blair
44 The Sixties: A Roadmap to Independence - Vagif Samadoglu
48 Ahmad Javad, Poet - Azad Sharifov
50 Abbas Mirza Sharifzade, Actor - Azad Sharifov
52 Khudadat bey Rafibeyli, Doctor and Governor - Azad Sharifov
54 In Armenia: The Disappointment of Freedom-Daniel Williams (Washington Post)
55 (Armenian) President Ter-Petrossian Resigns - His Final Words
56 U.S. Policy for the Caucasus - U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott
57 Can Armenia's New Man Deal? President Robert Kocharian (The Economist)
58 Photo Essay Spirit of Noruz, Festival of Spring (March 21)
64 Westinghouse Science Scholarship: Ann Kromsky - Jean Patterson
65 Commercialism and Human Values: When You Can't Stop for Lunch - Lotfi A. Zadeh
67 Peace Proposal in Jeopardy? Azerbaijani-Armenian Conflict - Ambassador Hafiz Pashayev
70 Just for Kids: The Cheating Fox - Shaig Abdulla by Jala Garibova and Jean Patterson
75 New Flag Stamps: World Beyond War, A Child's Perspective-Patricia Palmer
76 Business & Opportunities
78 Molla Nasraddin in Tabriz - Samad Sardarinia-Azeri (Arabic)
80 New Faces/New Places
83 SOCAR Section - Anticipating a Bright Future - Azerbaijan in the Region - Ilham Aliyev
89 Azerbaijan and Iran Oil Industry Cooperation Khoshbakht Yusifzade
91 AIOC: Current Developments - Tamam Bayatl
99 NAOC: Current Developments - Sevinj Asadova and Mike Barnes
From Azerbaijan International (6.1) Spring 1998.
© Azerbaijan International 1998. All rights reserved.
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