Azerbaijan International

Spring 2002 (10.1)
Page 7

Readers' Forum
Azeri Music - World Class

I started learning about Azerbaijan after listening to your music. When I heard Aygun Kazimova, I fell in love with Azeri pop music. Norwegian radio featured a week of international music and played two of her songs. Then after that it took me a year to find a shop on the Internet where I could buy her CDs. Now I have them and love her music. Thanks for making her CDs available recently at your AI Store [].

Here in Norway, we don't know much about Azerbaijan, as it is seldom mentioned in the news. I'm not sure most Norwegians even know where Azerbaijan is, unfortunately.

But people are very curious about Aygun's music, as it is something different from the typical American/English pop available here. People often comment that the music is so fascinating and that the language reminds them of Turkish.

Trond Skara
Kirkenaer, Norway


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