Azerbaijan International

Spring 2005 (13.1)


Sofi Hamid Cemetery
by Aytan Aliyeva
Photo Essay - Sofi Hamid Cemetery

What impressed me about Sofi Hamid was its location. Situated in the middle of an uninhabited area, this cemetery resembles an oasis in a desert. You look around and see no signs of life-no villages, no houses, no shops. Sofi Hamid is like an open-air art museum where the works on display are carvings on gravestones painted in pastel colors. Curiously, when you walk among them, you think, not about death, but life.
I had never thought much about how people might remember me after I died. What would I be remembered for? The images carved out of limestone on the Sofi Hamid gravestones are symbols of things that were meaningful to the person who died. It makes you think about your own life and, of course, to realize that life is so short. After visiting Sofi Hamid, I find myself trying to live my life more meaningfully, and to make others conscious of the gift of life.



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