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About our Research - Authorship of Ali and Nino

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"Who Wrote Azerbaijan's Most Famous Novel: Ali and Nino.
The Business of Literature"
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"Spectacular piece of world class research and reporting. Simply breathtaking."
Kris Thykier, Film Producer (Peapie Films)
"I love Ali and Nino even more now after reading your research. I feel like a kid wanting to embrace
grandma's neck."
Dr. Bulbul Sarwar, translator of the Bengali edition of Ali and Nino
"You've solved a puzzle - the true author of Ali and Nino - and in doing so, you've broadened
tremendously our understanding of a fateful period in the turbulent history of Azerbaijan.
Your research is a tour de force, indeed, and an edition to keep forever."
Jon Ramberg, Norwegian Ambassador to Azerbaijan (2007-2010)
Oslo, Norway
Stunning refutation of The Orientalist‘s central claim
"While Tom Reiss’s The Orientalist claims single authorship to Lev Nussimbaum, Azerbaijan International instead gives us the idea of a more decentralized authorship, where it is understood from the writing and context that the core author of Ali and Nino is Chamanzamanli and there are contributions to the book from other sources through Chamanzamanli’s connections and discussions with other authors such as Lev Nussimbaum. As you page through this volume, dissecting the question of authorship, it quickly becomes apparent the stunning refutation of The Orientalist‘s central claim."
Aaron McKean
Peace Corps in Azerbaijan
More at his blog: "Reconsidering the Concept of Authorship: Ali and Nino"
"A veritable treasure trove. Recommended without reservation. Not only of literary and historical significance, but economic as well if a film should ever be made. Well worth the price!"
Dr. Wilfried Fuhrmann,
Professor, Economist
A Literary Excavation into Ali and Nino
"Many people are likely to read this issue of “Azerbaijan International” only for the information it casts on this dispute, but that would be a mistake... This issue is filled with information, not only on the authors involved, but rather on the entire range of life in Baku nearly a century ago and on the nature of Azerbaijaniness and the Azerbaijani experience. Consequently, just like “Ali and Nino,” this issue is required reading for all who care not only for Azerbaijan but about the human condition in our time...."
Paul Goble, one of the most knowledgeable U.S. political analysts for Eurasia and former Soviet Union
Full Review (English)....
“What fascinating, scholarly detective work! It's a model of comprehensiveness, with a clearly and convincingly developed and defended thesis and an impressive quantity, quality, and diversity of evidence to support it. I was in awe as the beautifully organized work evolved. It deserves widespread publicity and praise and should be widely known, read, and cited."
Dr. Robert Georges, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
"What a marvelous document, and with such fascinating illustrations, time-lines, and all those little nooks-and-crannies sidebars! I am sure that over the course of time, this - and the forthcoming - edition [Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli, Azerbaijan International 16:1] will become the standard reference to the novel and its extraordinary history."
Alex Van Oss, Contract Chair
Caucasus Advanced Area Studies
Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State, Arlington, VA, USA
"I was absolutely overwhelmed by the wealth of information and material that you have compiled. When I think of the amount of work and research that went into the project, it is amazing that it took "only" six years. All the photographs and documents! And the layout, organization of the material, etc. etc. I am floored. Congratulations to you and your colleagues for such a feat!" (more)
Dr. Murray G. Hall, Scholar and author
(University of Vienna, Institute of German Studies)
"I find no words to compliment you in adequate terms on such a momentous masterpiece
of hard work, dedication and true scholarship..."
Dr. Horst Gödicke
UNESCO Secretariat (Paris)
- "High fives from the Netherlands! What a masterpiece! This is not a magazine, but a once-in-a-lifetime historical investigation about a world famous novel. Your research is so complete and persistent. Ali and Nino is a famous novel. Your research - if discovered by experts and the public - will gain worldwide acceptance. Lessons from the past teach us more than trend watchers of the present. Sometimes life does not treat writers fairly. Your analysis shows that honesty and truth need to be told in contrast to the one-sided agenda of those seeking commercial gain…." (more)
Mr. Anne Visser
"You deserve two PhDs for all the diligent sleuthing, persistence and perspicacity you put into this research. What an amazing research job and so beautifully presented. Great graphics and layout, along with clarity of prose. I thought the Q&A approach was excellent [FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about the Authorship of Ali and Nino," with 158 questions and 543 endnotes]. (more)
Martin Skala, Connecticut, USA
"This special issue of Azerbaijan International magazine, which is dedicated to research about the novel Ali and Nino, is with no exaggeration the result of distinguished fundamental research of encyclopedic depth. It encompasses an enormous breadth of issues and is characterized by its accuracy and comprehensiveness. The true value of this work will be comprehended in the decades to come in Azerbaijan. This research will come to be recognized among the indispensable sources on Ali and Nino.... (more)
Dr. Maharram Gasimli
Assistant Director, Institute of Literature
Academy of Sciences
Baku, Azerbaijan
"Sytematic research. Clear answers based on irrefutable facts and reliable sources. In the two major articles alone "Frequently Asked Question about the Authorship of Ali and Nino" and "101 Reasons: Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli as Core Author of Ali and Nino," there are more than 1,000 references. The entire work includes more than 2,000 references and a very extensive Bibliography."
Dr. Tofig Huseinoghlu, Professor at Baku State University, Department of Philology
Editor of The Selected Works of Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli (three volumes, 1,500 pages)
Baku, Azerbaijan
"Whoever is currently 'the Boss' in Azerbaijan should be properly grateful for this informative and fascinating chapter of his country's history....”
Peter Skala, London
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