Spring 1997 (5.1)
Page 17

U.S. and Nagorno-Karabakh
dispute tangled by history and geography concerns Armenia, Azerbaijan
and the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. The good news here is that
the cease-fire has now held for more than two years. The bad
news is that progress under the OSCE's Minsk process has been
agonizingly slow. We have very substantial economic, political
and humanitarian interests in this region, and are prepared to
play a more visible role in Helping to arrange a settlement.
One step that Congress could take to increase our influence would
be to lift restrictions on nonmilitary assistance to Azerbaijan."
Madeleine Albright, newly
appointed Secretary of State, commenting on Nagorno-Karabakh
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on January 8, 1997.
Need for Alternative
Energy Supplies
it is true that 2 to 3 million barrels, perhaps more, could flow
daily from the Caspian region in the near future, then the development
of the region compels the highest levels of attention of this
city [Washington, D.C.] on a sustained basis. the most important
war we have fought since Korea from a geo-strategic perspective
was the defense of Kuwait in 1991.
That action was as much driven by the need to maintain secure
supplies of oil from the Middle East as it was to punish naked
aggression. The Persian Gulf region will continue to pose uncertainties,
and it is imperative that America develop alternative energy
sources to hedge against them."
Senator Robert C. Byrd [Democrat-West Virginia] speaking at
the U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce Trade Conference in Washington,
D.C., on February 18, 1997.
U.S. Policy Toward
Iran is Contradictory
the U.S. embargo of Iran pushes the Caucasian and Central Asian
states back into Russia's orbit, for Russia provides the only
current alternative to pipeline and rail systems and ports. We
have fallen into a peculiar paradox: we aim to strengthen the
new states to stand on their own feet and resist Russian pressure,
while our policy toward Iran promotes the opposite course."
Paul B. Heinze and S. Enders
Wimbush in "A New Policy for a New Middle East," published
in the Wall Street Journal on January 31, 1997. Heinze formerly
served in the National Security Council, and Wimbush, former
Director of Radio Liberty, now works for Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC).
Economic Impact of
do not want to. . .suggest that Baku is the hub of the universe
or that Azerbaijan is central to the defense and well-being of
the United States. Yet, I reject the proposition that Azerbaijan
is marginal to American interests and that domestic political
considerations in this country dictate an arm's-length relationship.
We should recognize that Azerbaijan's emergence as a regional
economic power will have a major positive impact on both Armenia
and Georgia, a fact not lost on the leaders of both countries."
Ambassador Richard Armitage addressing the U.S.-Azerbaijan
Chamber of Commerce Trade Conference in Washington, D.C., on
February 18, 1997. From 1992-93, Armitage served as the coordinator
for U.S. assistance to the newly independent states (NIS).
Weakening of Russian
efforts that Azerbaijan and Georgia are making to cooperate will
contribute to their own independence even as it lessens Russian
dominance in the region. Every time two or more countries within
the CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States] decide to cooperate
with each other more than with other CIS states, the importance
of that institution declines not only for them but for all other
states as well. And as a result, the cooperation accord that
Shevardnadze and Aliyev signed in Baku this week may prove more
strategic in its implications than either intends--even if not
one drop of Azerbaijani oil, in fact, flows across Georgia anytime
Paul Goble, Assistant Director of Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty, in a broadcast analysis on February 20, 1997.
(5.1) Spring 1997.
© Azerbaijan International 1997. All rights reserved.
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