Autumn 2000 (8.3)
New Books
the Footsteps of Adam" is the title of Thor Heyerdahl's
new autobiography. Heyerdahl, 86, is known to thousands of admirers
world wide as "Kon-Tiki Man" from his travels in a
balsa raft across the Pacific. He has visited Azerbaijan four
times, most recently in September 2000. Heyerdahl's fascination
with Azerbaijan, described in the book, began in 1981 when he
made his first trip to the prehistoric caves of Gobustan southwest
of Baku. Intrigued with the carvings of reed boats, Heyerdahl
became convinced that this part of the world has a history of
navigation that dates back thousands of years, possibly 1,000,
or even 2,000 years prior to Egypt's. He theorizes that Scandinavian
ancestors trace their roots to the region that is now Azerbaijan.
The book provides captivating reading about the struggles of
an idealistic archeologist and historian who risked his life
to prove that Eurocentric theories of ancient migration patterns
were flawed.
Also included are fascinating photos of his family, oceanic travels,
Heyerdahl with historical figureheads such as Khrushchev, Gorbachev
and Indira Gandhi and of the women who have played major roles
in his family life.
More: SEARCH Heyerdahl at AZER.com.
"In the Footsteps of Adam" by Thor Heyerdahl (London:
Little, Brown and Company, 2000, 313 pages, £18.99. ISBN
From Azerbaijan
(8.3) Autumn 2000.
© Azerbaijan International 2000. All rights reserved.
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