Autumn 2000 (8.3)
Business &
Grammar - Finally!
 Students trying to learn
the Azeri language will greatly appreciate the new 400-page textbook
"Elementary Azerbaijani," written and published by
Kurtulush Oztopchu (2000: Shafak Offset Press: Istanbul). This
volume marks a milestone in linguistic history, as it is the
first major grammar book in English to use the official Latin
script of the Azerbaijan Republic. It has been ten years in the
Azeri is spoken by 8 million people in the Azerbaijan Republic,
plus an estimated 25-30 million Azerbaijanis in Iran and possibly
2-3 million people scattered throughout the rest of the world
in Russia, Europe and the United States.
The text also includes drills in Azeri Cyrillic, as many books
were published in this script during the Soviet period (1920-1991).
It contains conversations, expressions and proverbs, cultural
notes and drills. The appendices include conjugations. An Azerbaijani-English
/ English-Azerbaijani glossary contains 2,400 words.
The author, Dr. Kurtulush Oztopchu, (oztopcu@
taught Azeri in summer sessions at UCLA from 1993-1997, as part
of the John D. Soper Central Asian Language Institute. He has
written several scholarly books relating to Turkic languages,
including an article published in Azerbaijan International comparing
the grammars of Turkish and Azerbaijani (Autumn 1993, AI 1.3).
"Elementary Azerbaijani" may be obtained from Azerbaijan
International at its Web site STORE at AZER.com or contact:
ai@artnet.net. The text is $30; an
accompanying series of three CDs with pronunciation and conversations
is an additional $30. Add $10 for international shipments.
Editor: Highly recommended. The book for learning Azeri that
we've all been waiting for!
From Azerbaijan
(8.3) Autumn 2000.
© Azerbaijan International 2000. All rights reserved.
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