Autumn 2000 (8.3)
Reader's Forum
in Global Context
I was delighted to read the Spring 2000 Issue of Azerbaijan International
"Language and Alphabet in Transition" (AI 8.1), and
in particular the excellent articles on the language and alphabet
For someone who has been actively involved in helping to modernize
the training of Azerbaijani translators and interpreters, I was,
of course, thrilled at such a successful attempt to bring the
present-day problems of Azerbaijan to the attention of a wide
UNESCO, as you may know, initiated the organizing, in May 1999,
of a conference on Future Aspects of Translation, Interpretation
and Terminology in Azerbaijan in the New Global Context. It was
held at the State Institute of Languages and Baku State University.
Being concerned with the promotion of multilingual communication
and language engineering, as well as with all aspects of cultural
identity, UNESCO considers this conference to have been both
relevant and timely for Azerbaijan.
We take pride in having opened, earlier this month, our first
UNESCO Chair in Translation Studies at the State Institute of
Languages. In a more general way, allow me to compliment you
on the quality of your publication. It presents intelligent and
largely objective information allowing interested readers to
familiarize themselves with the major issues facing the country.
Keep up the good work!
Horst Gödicke, Director
Programme for Central and Eastern European Development, (PROCEED)
Paris, France
From Azerbaijan
(8.3) Autumn 2000.
© Azerbaijan International 2000. All rights reserved.
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