Autumn 2000 (8.3)
Reader's Forum
Azeri? How?
As my
wife is an Azerbaijani from Iran, I am trying to learn some Azeri.
Therefore, I quickly peruse every new issue for your series "Sociolinguistically
Speaking". Your Spring 2000 issue "Language and Alphabet
in Transition" was very valuable reading material.
In that issue, someone suggested that it would be nice to see
foreigners learn to speak some Azeri.
However, being in Europe, such a possibility is easier said than
done. As I plan to be going to Baku this coming summer, I'm trying
to obtain information on language courses offered in Baku but
I have not been able to find any. As for learning materials in
the modern Latin script, I have been unable to find any teaching
materials that deal even minimally with the grammar. I have located
a phrase book by Nicholas Awde and a mini-language course from
Audio Forum called "Colloquial Azerbaijani" by Kurtulush
Oztopchu. The problem is, however, that they don't treat grammar.
The only book that does offer a basic course in grammar is by
Fred Householder (1965, Indiana University) but he developed
his own Latin alphabet which is not the one that has been adopted
in the Republic today. Where, then, are the modern day Azeri
language learning materials? If your magazine or your Web site
(AZERI.org) could offer a list of available language learning
materials and language courses, you would truly complete your
latest issue and make me extremely happy.
The Netherlands |
Editor: Finally, there's good
news. In August 2000, Kurtulush Oztopchu published "Elementary
Azerbaijani", a serious, highly recommended 400 page text
that includes grammar along with 3 CDs to assist with pronunciation.
See Opportunities.
Our Web site AZERI.org includes all of the articles that
we have published in the Azeri language since 1993 in both Latin
and Arabic scripts. Also, as you mentioned, the entire Sociolinguistics
series is available with Azeri phrases. These articles do not
require special fonts or plug-ins to read. We will be expanding
the site to include a reference section and Store for language-learning
material. In the meantime, for anyone seeking further information
or wishing to purchase this volume, go to STORE at AZER.com
or contact: ai@artnet.net.
From Azerbaijan International (8.3) Autumn 2000.
© Azerbaijan International 2000. All rights reserved.
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