Autumn 2000 (8.3)
Father's Words
About Food
Jala Garibova and Betty Blair
 Hundreds of proverbs
in the Azerbaijani language refer to eating or name specific
foods or dishes, such as kababs and pilaf. Though the content
of these expressions reflects the nature of such foods and society's
attitudes towards them, proverbs are really all about telling
people how to behave correctly.
cuisine comprised of kababs and stuffed vegetables served at
the Caravansarai Restaurant in the Inner City of Baku.
It's one thing to reprimand someone's inappropriate behavior
straight to his face, but quite another to suggest the accepted
conventional wisdom as formulated in proverbs.
The literal translation for the word "proverb" 
means "father's word". Obviously, the proverb - often
with internal rhyming or rhythmic patterns - is far more graphic
and memorable, and thus much more persuasive.
Here are a few samples. On the surface, they appear to be describing
the nature of food. At a deeper level, they provide clues to
what is considered culturally appropriate.
Strong vinegar
will break its own vessel.

to aggressive people, suggesting that they only hurt themselves
in the end.
It's impossible
to hold two watermelons in one hand.

Understand your limitations. Stay within them.
He lost both Ali-pilaf, and Vali-pilaf.

Refers to people who "bite off more than they can chew"
and who succeed at nothing.
Bad Luck
When things
don't go right, even halva will break your tooth.

Halva, made of butter, sugar and flour, is so soft that it doesn't
require chewing. But when things are going wrong, even the simplest
tasks require a great effort.
He can't
crumble dumplings for himself, yet he cuts noodles for others.

Refers to people who can't do the simplest things for themselves
but who insist on advising others about complex matters.
He who burns
his mouth on milk will blow on yogurt when eating it.

Once someone has had a bad experience, he will always be cautious.
If you don't
have honey, have a honey tongue.

If you aren't wealthy, at least, be charming and clever.
My little
pilaf and I won't have headache.

I'm satisfied with what I have and don't want to any hassles.
To be hungry
is better than to be in debt.

Better to eat cheese and bread than pilaf that is given as a

He who pities
his lamb can't eat kabab.

Don't be too "soft-hearted" or you won't be able to
accomplish what is necessary.
The molla saw pilaf and forgot about the Koran.

Refers to people who are highly motivated and well-intentioned
but who easily get distracted.
I bought
doshab; it turned out to be honey.

Doshab is a thick syrup made from boiling grape juice. This expression
means something turned out better than expected. For example,
a mother-in-law might say this about her daughter-in-law of whom
she is very pleased.
cooked at home nor brought from the neighbor's.

Refers to something absolutely new, absolutely different, meaning
people are totally unfamiliar with it.
Gift Giving
Give a token
(gift), never mind if it's a rotten nut.

Azerbaijanis consider it impolite to go empty handed to someone's
home. They always take a small gift, even if it isn't an ideal
choice. Any gift, though imperfect, is far better than none.
He is a
man who gives bread.

Refers to a charitable, noble person.
No one calls
his ayran sour.

Ayran is a naturally sour drink made by diluting salted yogurt.
The proverb suggests that people will not expose their own weaknesses.
The curd
seller will come to our yard, too.

Peddlers used to sell wares door-to-door. This expression reflects
optimism that everything will turn out to be fine in the future.
When a tree
bears much fruit, it bends low.

People who are truly great and productive are humble.
You haven't
eaten the goose's meat, so you don't know how it tastes.

Used to challenge people who don't know what they're talking
You don't
have a cherry orchard so how do you know what kind of bird a
quail is.

Don't judge things that you don't know first hand. Another version
of this proverb refers to "apricot orchard"
instead of cherry orchard.
Don't offer
"bahmaz" to someone who has honey.

Bahmaz is concentrated grape or mulberry juice. Honey is more
valued. Understand hierarchical relationships and act accordingly.
How can a
donkey know what saffron is?

Saffron is one of the most delicate and expensive seasonings.
It is used to flavor rice. Expression refers to people's stupidity.
He has his
bread on his knees.

He is one who treads on bread.

Both of these proverbs refer to people who are unappreciative
of what others have done for them and who don't reciprocate kindness.
You don't
give milk to the child who doesn't cry.

Similar to the English expression, "The squeaky wheel gets
the oil." Let your needs be known. Those who make the biggest
noise will get the most attention.
Your mouth
won't get sweet just by saying "halva-halva".

Halva is a traditional sweet but you have to work to create it.
There is no magic.
Lack of identity
Neither meat, nor fish.

Wishy-washy, impossible to categorize, usually describing someone's
personality, but can also be applied to situations.
We cut salt
and bread together.

Our friendship is sealed. We've shared in each others' lives
and will be loyal to each other.
Say "hello"
40 times to the place where you have tried salt at least once.

Always remember those who have extended hospitality to you.
Even if your
relative eats your meat, he will never discard your bones.

Azerbaijanis count on their relatives as being loyal-abusive
sometimes, perhaps, but rarely traitorous.
in the orchard brought so many greetings.
When the apricots were gone, so were the greetings.

Be hungry,
but don't beg.

Count the
chickens in autumn.

Similar to the American expression: "Don't count your chickens
before they hatch."
you put on your pilaf will appear on your spoon.

Similar to the Biblical expression: "You reap what you sow."
Risk Taking
If it works,
yogurt; if not, ayran.

Ayran is a beverage made of diluted yogurt and salt. Dare to
take risks. You have nothing to lose. Either way, you will benefit.
Even if
the onion is sharp, it has its own place on the table.

Even simple things have their place and value in life.
egg is better than tomorrow's hen.

Use the opportunities that exist today. Who knows what tomorrow
will bring?
My advice
to you: grind your own grain.

Don't depend on others. Do things for yourself.
Status quo
Don't put
garlic on your head if it doesn't hurt.

In traditional medicine, garlic is tied up around the forehead
to alleviate headaches. English equivalent expression: Don't
fix something that doesn't need fixing.
You can't
make stew with cheap meat.

You can't get something for nothing.
Don't eat
"turshu" in front of a sick man.

Turshu is pickled relish made of vegetables in brine. As it is
very sour, a sick person should not eat it. Be sensitive to others,
especially those who are suffering or poor.
He gets wool from eggs.

He scoops cream off water.

Both of these proverbs refer people who are so talented that
they seem to work miracles.
When you're
young, carry stones. When you're old, eat pilaf.

Work hard while you have the ability so that when you get older,
you can enjoy life.
Milk pilov
is good one day at our place, the next day at your's.

Don't be a free-loader. Carry your share of work and expenses.
He doesn't
pay for the meat, but grabs the biggest "kuftas".

Kuftas are meatballs. In Tabriz, they can be as large as a soccer
I neither
kneaded nor baked, but I found a ready cake.

Both expressions above refer to people who appear on the scene
after all the hard work is done.
For more Azeri expressions: AZERI.org. Click on "Learning
Azeri." Aynur Hajiyeva and Farida Sadikhova
also contributed to this article.
From Azerbaijan
(8.3) Autumn 2000.
© Azerbaijan International 2000. All rights reserved.
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