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Spring 2001 (9.1)
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9 Contributors
10 Reader's Forum
14 Newsmakers
17 Editorial: The Spirit of Innovation - Betty Blair
20 Signals
of Change: TV
Debates Between Azeris and Armenians - Khayal Taghiyev
25 Resolving
Karabakh: Can It Be Done? - Yoko Hirose
27 Azeri Latin on the Web - Farida
Sadikhova and Jean Patterson
32 Photo
Essay: Fashion and Style Through the Century - National Archives
38 Modeling and Fashion Design - Gulnar
Aydamirova and Arzu Aghayeva
42 Alim Gasimov: Master of Mugham
- Betty Blair and Pirouz Khanlou
46 Industrial Mugham: Traditional
Music with a Beat - Jean Patterson
48 Dayirman:
Rap Music for a New Generation - Jean Patterson
52 Azerbaijani Music in Iran: Garmon
Player Rahim Shahriyari
57 For a
Peaceful Resolution to the Karabakh Conflict - President Aliyev
58 Broadway
in Baku: Performing Bernstein and Gershwin
60 Scents That Heal: Aromatherapy
in Ancient Medicine - Farid Alakbarov
64 Insurance: New Concept in a Transitioning
Society - Elkhan Garibli
68 Sociolinguistics
Part 9: Innovations in Spoken Azeri - Garibova and Blair
72 Business & Opportunities
73 New Faces, New Places
74 Current
Trends and Developments in Azerbaijan's Oil - Valeh Alasgarov
78 Exxon:
Children's Encyclopedia:
Educating for the Future
79 Pennzoil: Hospices and White Swans Dance
80 Statoil: Azerbaijan's Prime Minister Visits
82 LUKoil: Putin's Visit and the Zigh Hovsan
84 Chevron
Meets with President Aliyev
86 BP
Current Developments
- Tamam Bayatli
From Azerbaijan
(9.1) Spring 2001.
© Azerbaijan International 2001. All rights reserved.
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