Summer 2001 (9.2)
Petroleum Section
Fina Elf - Community Projects

Above: Total Fina Elf is sponsoring
Thalassemia Awareness Programs in the Lankaran region. Nearly
one in every 12 Azerbaijanis is a carrier of the thalassemia
gene, so it's important for couples to be tested before marriage.
Fina Elf, an oil company with headquarters in Paris, is funding
a Thalassemia Awareness program to educate residents and physicians
in the Lankaran region about this serious hereditary blood disease.
It has been estimated that one in every 12 Azerbaijanis is a
carrier of the gene.
The Lankaran region, in particular, has an especially high frequency
of cases. Children who inherit the thalassemia gene from both
parents suffer from acute anemia, enlarged liver and spleen,
deformed bones and other growth disorders. They must receive
blood transfusions regularly as well as expensive Desferal injections
to remove excess iron from the blood. Without appropriate treatment,
most do not live past the age of 10 years.
The $13,000 program is being carried out by the "Savab Dunyasi"
(World of Charity) Thalassemia Association, which was founded
in 1990 and is a member of the International Thalassemia Federation.
By encouraging residents to be screened for the thalassemia gene,
the organization hopes to lower the number of births of children
with the disease. The program will include lectures for high
school and college students, informational leaflets and brochures
as well as work with the mass media. There will be seminars for
doctors and nurses as well as training for laboratory employees
who diagnose the thalassemia tests.
Savab Dunyasi
87 M. Gashkay Street
Tel: (994-12) 41-16-78
E-mail: savab.ans@ans-dx.com
Total Fina Elf is also working with the "Reliable Future"
Youth Organization to bring drug and AIDS education to 30 secondary
schools in the Lankaran and Astara regions. The program's lectures,
seminars, slideshows and booklets will inform 3,000 young people
about the problems of drug abuse and AIDS and encourage them
to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Nabil Seidov, President
"Reliable Future"
117 Nizami St.
Tel: (994-12) 93-21-41
Fax: 92-68-63
E-mail: relfuture@azdata.net
Total Fina Elf operates the Lankaran-Talysh project for their
partners - OIEC, Wintershall and SOCAR. The company is particularly
interested in strengthening and developing the health and education
facilities in the Lankaran and Talysh regions, which is a particularly
fertile area in southern Azerbaijan near the Iranian border.
Total Fina Elf is also a partner in the Shah Daniz gas project.
From Azerbaijan
(9.2) Summer 2001.
© Azerbaijan International 2001. All rights reserved.
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