Autumn 2001 (9.3)
 Dr. Reza Moridi (1945-
), an Azerbaijani scientist from Iran who now lives in Toronto,
recently received the Canadian Nuclear Society's Education and
Communication Award for the year 2001. The honor was given for
his involvement in educating Canadians on radioactive isotopes
and radiation, and for promoting a sensible perspective on radiation
and safety issues.
Moridi is currently VP-Science & Technology at the Radiation
Safety Institute of Canada, an independent organization that
promotes radiation safety in the workplace, homes, schools, and
environment. Moridi has developed numerous educational and training
courses on occupational radiation safety across Canada. He has
also developed and managed radiation surveys in Ontario and Quebec
for the telecommunications industry to determine workplace exposure
to radiation.
Moridi joined the Institute as a Staff Scientist in 1990 and
became Vice President in 1998. He is responsible for the Institute's
scientific and technical activities, including its National Laboratories
and Personal Alpha Dosimetry (PAD) Service. (Dosimeters measure
doses of radiation.)
Born in the Azerbaijani-populated city of Urumieh in Iran, Moridi
has degrees (MTech and Ph.D.) from Brunel (UK). He has published
numerous scientific papers and articles and is an editor of "Health
Physics: The Journal of Radiation Protection," published
by the U.S. Health Physics Society.
From Azerbaijan
(9.3) Autumn 2001.
© Azerbaijan International 2001. All rights reserved.
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