Spring 2002 (10.1)
Azeri Music Abroad
Choir Performs Azeri Folk Songs
by Aida Huseinova
 On April 21, 2002, Indiana University's
International Vocal Ensemble (IVE) will perform Azeri folk songs
at its Spring Concert in Bloomington. Renowned Azerbaijani pianist
Chingiz Sadigov, who now lives in San Francisco, will accompany
the group.
Dr. Mary Goetze, Professor of Music and Chair of the University's
Music in General Studies Department, is the director of IVE;
she formed the choir in 1995 to explore non-Western musical traditions.
So far, the IVE has performed music from various countries, including
South Africa, India, Japan, Israel, Venezuela and Tibet. The
choir sings each song in its native language, re-creating the
music and movements of the tradition. Most of the group's 54
members are undergraduate and graduate music students.
Photo: Aida Huseinova
When I first met Dr. Goetze in February 2000, she was already
intrigued with Azerbaijan's musical traditions. In June 2000
she included Azerbaijani songs in the Multicultural Music Education
seminar in Bloomington; two months later, she was on her way
to Baku. When she heard of my upcoming one-year residence in
Bloomington, she decided that it would be a great chance for
IVE to learn Azerbaijani folk songs.
 Rehearsal Process
Starting in January, we have been rehearsing twice a week for
two hours each session. The choir has worked on three popular
folk songs: "Bari Bakh" ("Hey, Look At Me",
arranged by Rauf Babayev), "Ay Gulabatin" (arranged
by Ramiz Mustafayev) and "Gul Achdi" ("Flower
Blossomed", arranged by Jahangir Jahangirov).
Katherine Domingo, the choir's Assistant Director, noted that
the students picked up the melodies and rhythms fairly quickly.
"The songs are so melodic, rhythmic and a lot of fun to
sing," she said. "I think they'll stick in our memories
long after the semester ends."
Photo: Dr. Mary Goetze
Pronouncing and memorizing the text has been much more difficult.
"This is probably the most challenging aspect for us, since
the vowel sounds are somewhat unfamiliar," admitted Dr.

Students from Indiana University
have been learning to perform three traditional Azerbaijani folk
songs for an upcoming concert. Dr. Mary Goetze directs the group
while Aida Huseinova accompanies.
We've also spent time introducing Azerbaijani culture to the
students and listening to other music from Azerbaijan. We've
seen Dr. Goetze's slides and videos of Baku, including a video
of the youthful Bari Bakh Group performing their signature song.
It's wonderful to see how the music of my country is being appreciated
on the other side of the world.
Aida Huseinova, who has a Ph.D. in Musicology, teaches music
history at Baku Music Academy. In 2000 she spent a semester in
Bloomington as a participant of the Baku State-Indiana University
Exchange Program. She currently has a one-year residence there
as an American Council Junior Faculty Development Program Fellow.
Contact: anhuseynova@yahoo.com.
The IVE concert will be held April 21, 2002 at 4 p.m. at the
campus's Auer Hall. Contact: bravo@indiana.edu. To learn more
about IVE, visit www.indiana.edu/~ive/index.htm.
To read the English or Azeri Latin lyrics of "Bari Bakh",
"Ay Gulabatin" and "Gul Achdi", visit AZERI.org; click on LATIN SCRIPT
and then MUSIC
Look at Me
Stones are pouring out of the window,
Look at me, look at me!
Tears are dropping out of the charming eyes,
Look at me, look at me!
If you can marry me,
Look at me, look at me!
All people around would approve it!
Look at me, look at me!
The frames of the window,
Look at me, look at me!
Have blossomed like roses,
Look at me, look at me!
The boy is usually tempted,
Look at me, look at me!
By a girl`s sweet words,
Look at me, look at me!
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