Winter 2003 (11.4)
Eldar Babazade, who painted our cover of the hoopoe (shanapipik)
bird often draws upon metaphors from folklore and religion. A
social critic, he warns against following tradition blindly and
challenges his viewers: "Wake up! Get a brain! Shape your
own destiny." See also pages 57, 58, 63 and 64. Contact
him directly at (994-12) 76-26-86 (studio), 71-18-15 (home),
or (994-50) 353-1293 (mobile). His works may also be viewed at
AZgallery.org where more than 160 Azerbaijani artists and 3,000
works are on display. |
Nadia Diuk defines herself
as "almost a true Brit", except that her parents were
World War II Ukrainian refugees. Now serving as Director of Europe
and Eurasia at the National Endowment, she's helping to define
the New Generation that is growing up in the former Soviet Union,
specifically in Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan. Her survey concludes
that Azerbaijani youth, like their counterparts, are still under
the influence of some Soviet-style assumptions of their parents'
generation. Her new book is coming out soon. Page 36. |
do some of the older generations think about the youth of today?
Azerbaijan International magazine's Baku Manager Arzu Aghayeva
interviewed her father
Dr. Mehman Aghayev about his impressions. In his 50s,
Dr. Aghayev identifies advantages to growing up in both periods-the
Soviet as well as the contemporary independent period. But all
in all, he's optimistic about the future, under one condition
- more job opportunities need to be opened up for the youth.
Page 70. |
Brilliant in her fluency in
English, it was Sona Abbasova who provided the energized
simultaneous translation between Dr. Alik Zeynalov and AI Editor
Betty Blair that facilitated the depth and personal perspective
for the article, "Soviet Collapse: The Thirties Generation:
Changing Horses Midstream". More than any other age group,
youth in their 30s, who had grown up in the Soviet system and
were suddenly confronted with a totally new political system
as they came of age, have had to be extremely savvy in their
life choices. Page 42.
upon friendships among her university classmates at Baku State
University, Aynura Huseinova, Editorial Assistant at Azerbaijan
International, has compiled a list of contemporary slang to identify
sensitive issues of youth. Her analysis shows that Azerbaijanis
in their early 20s have similar concerns to most young people
worldwide - gaining independence from parents, becoming individuals
in their own right, and particularly not being viewed as stupid
by their peers. It's just that the metaphors in Azeri are different
as in: "Go make your own yogurt!" or "Your donkey
is dead!" Page 56. |
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AI 11.4 (Winter 2003)
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