Autumn 2004 (12.3)
Geology Conference
Studying Lake Structures
 The American Association
of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), the world's largest geological
organization, held a research conference in Baku on May 17-21,
Left: Kevin Sylvester (BP),
Alan Carroll (University of Wisconsin), Steve Hasiotis (University
of Kansas), Cari Johnson (University of Utah) at the Core Workshop
at Azlab.
focus of these meetings was to discuss: "Sandstone Deposition
in Lacustrine Environments: Implications for Exploration and
Reservoir Development".
Nearly 60 researchers from 15 countries, who are actively studying
lacustrine (or lake) sandstones and hydrocarbon systems, attended
the conference. Eleven of the participants were from research
organizations in Baku. This was the first time the AAPG has held
a conference focusing on sandstone deposition and stratigraphy
in lacustrine basins. Lacustrine sandstones are the main producing
sands in the South Caspian. Most lake studies are about the muds
since in the past researchers were concerned about better understanding
the source rock potential of these muds. Also, since there are
excessive deposits in lakes, the geologists wanted to understand
how the sands are deposited there. This, in turn, helps them
to predict how far down to dip to find reservoirs.
Most of the literature never discusses what is happening to the
coarser grained sediments in three dimensions. This is quite
different from when geologists study deep-water sediments where
there is an immense volume of literature, which discusses depositional
models for the deep water.
 Left: Geologists who attended the Conference
at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, getting
a close look at some of the geological phenomenon in the Kirmaky
lake systems that were presented at the conference came from
studies that have been conducted throughout the world, including
the US (Texas, Wyoming and Utah), China, Israel, Indonesia, Azerbaijan,
Russia, Hungary, Turkey, Chad and Mongolia.
The conference
included three days of presentations, including structured and
informal discussions, as well as visiting the outcrops in Kirmaky
Valley and looking at cores from equivalent units in the AGC
(Azeri-Gunashli-Chirag) mega-structure fields.
At the conclusion of the conference, the Azerbaijan Society of
Petroleum Geologists (ASPG) arranged tours to the mud volcanoes
outside of Baku and a two-day trip to Shaki and Shamakha.
The conference, which took place at the Hyatt, was conducted
in English and sponsored by Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists
(ASPG), ConocoPhillips, BP and ExxonMobil. The group of co-conveners
included Terry Baganz (ConocoPhillips), Akif Narimanov (SOCAR),
Kevin Bohacs (ExxonMobil), Greg Riley (BP), Dag Nummedal (University
of Wyoming), Gabor Vakarcs (MOL, Hungary) and John Sneider (Sneider
Exploration of Houston).
Contact: Terry Baganz in Houston: terry.baganz@connocophillips.com.
(12.3) Autumn 2004.
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