Autumn 2004 (12.3)
Reader's Forum
Track Schools
As a young mother, one of the issues that I'm concerned about
is the level of education in Azerbaijani schools-especially the
Azeri track schools. When it was time for my son to start school
last year, I really wanted to enroll him in the Azeri track.
However, all my relatives, including my husband, warned me: "Are
you crazy? Don't you realize what level of education they offer?
They don't compare with the Russian-track schools."
Later I had the chance to see for myself, and I was so glad that
I had listened to my relatives. But, what a shame! So many of
the Azerbaijani textbooks are essentially Russian books that
have been translated into Azeri. Can you imagine how ridiculous
Russian-orientated texts sound in Azeri! In addition, the educational
level of teachers and the way they treat students leaves so much
to be desired.
Another concern has to do with the horrible stories that you
hear about so many of our universities. Students and professors
negotiate prices for the exams and 'zachets' (examination tests
which are evaluated as "pass" or "non-pass",
but with no grades).
When we were students-which really wasn't so long ago-it's true
some students did pay for their exams; however, if we worked
hard and mastered the information, we could get a good grade
and not pay. Now, in too many situations, students complain that
it really doesn't matter whether they study or not. They have
to pay anyway.
Leyla Novruzova
(12.3) Autumn 2004.
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