Spring 2005 (13.1)
of Azerbaijan's Oil
 Azerbaijan has been
linked with oil for centuries, even millennia. Medieval travelers
to the region noted its abundant supply of oil and its integral
part of daily life. By the 19th century, Azerbaijan led the world
as supplier of oil and gas. For example, in 1846, more than a
decade before Americans made their famous discovery of oil in
Pennsylvania, Azerbaijan had drilled its first oil well in Bibi
Heybat on the outskirts of Baku.
By the beginning of the 20th century, Azerbaijan was producing
more than half the world's supply of oil. During the early Oil
Boom (1885-1920), Azerbaijan benefited greatly from the expertise
of well-known chemists and geologists from Europe and Russia.
Baku's entrepreneurs sought out the best advice that the scientific
world could offer, consulting with such important figures as
German chemist Karl Engler (1842-1925) and Russian Chemist Dmitry
Mendeleyev (1834-1907). As a result, innovative techniques such
as rotary drilling and gas lift were first tested in Azerbaijan.
The book chronicles the oil development in Azerbaijan from the
8th century up to 2004. It is the most comprehensive chronology
that has ever been published on this topic. This chronology is
an extension of material that was originally published in Azerbaijan
International magazine in the summers of 2003 and 2004. Search
at AZER.com.
The book contains 27 illustrations, including those of some of
the most well known oil barons and scientists related to Azerbaijan's
oil industry.
A wide range of readers will find the book valuable, including
those interested in the scientific and historical development
of oil in Azerbaijan from early times.
Mir Yusif Mir Babayev (born 1953) is a specialist in the field
of oil chemistry and ecology. He graduated from Azerbaijan State
Oil Academy with a doctorate in Chemical Sciences. He is Professor
at Azerbaijan Technical University. This book is the result of
years of the author pursuing his hobby of delving into 19th and
20th century newspaper archives.
"Brief Chronology of the History of Azerbaijan's Oil
Business" by M. F. Mir-Babayev. Baku: Sabah Press, 2004.
ISBN 5-86106-083-5, 224 pages, Bilingual: Russian and English.
Hard bound. Published with the sponsorship of CCIC (Consolidated
Contractors International Company).
For copies, contact the author, Mir Yusif Mir Babayev: Mobile:
(994-50) 532-0485. E-mail: mir_yusif@yahoo.com.
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