Spring 2005 (13.1)
Readers' Forum
Readers Write and Request
The Internet is such an amazing tool to connect people from the
far corners of the earth. Fortunately, its invention came at
a perfect moment in history for the peoples of the former Soviet
Union who were so eager when they gained their independence to
get acquainted with the international community from which they
had been cut off for 70 years.
Our Web site - AZER.com - archives all issues of Azerbaijan International
magazine - now beginning our 13th year, dating back to 1993 when
the magazine was established. Launched in May 1996 when the Internet
was quite a new phenomenon, AZER.com was one of the earliest
Web sites created about Azerbaijan.
Today, with more than 1800 articles and 4950 photos, AZER.com
is the "World's Largest Web Site about Azerbaijan"
and ranks as No. 2 on Google when the term "Azerbaijan"
is searched. (The CIA Handbook, which includes all countries
in the world, not just Azerbaijan, ranks as No. 1).
Naturally, such a high profile draws inquiries about Azerbaijan
on a daily basis. We try to answer all requests, which we deem
serious, or direct them to someone who can and thus, promote
more ties and links between Azerbaijan and the world.
Over the past several years, we have saved some of the more unusual
requests. We share them here. Sometimes, articles that we had
published, such as ones about the venomous Caspian vipers, raising
pigeons in Baku, and the therapeutic uses of Naftalan oil, have
triggered very specific inquiries - even years later. Here is
a sampling of some of the concerns and interests of which people
have written us.
Saying it right
- "Azerbaijan"
I'm a radio journalist. What is the accepted American pronunciation
of "Azerbaijan"? I'm particularly wondering if the
"j" is pronounced like a soft "g" or like
"zh". We're doing a whole series of two-minute biographies
for the Arts & Entertainment Channel that will go on radio
and will be featuring Garry Kasparov [World Chess Champion in
1984 who grew up in Azerbaijan. Search at AZER.com]. This is
quite urgent...thank you very much.
Shirley, producer of a public relations group
San Francisco, California
Thanks for contacting
us and making such an effort to pronounce "Azerbaijan"
right. Say the last syllable like the boy's name - John - as
in "ah-zar-by-JOHN". The stress is on the last syllable.
Pronouncing this word with "zh" is via Russian, as
this sound neither exists in the Azeri language or its alphabet.
The first "a" is like "ah" in "father".
The second "a" sounds like those in "fat cat".
- Editor
Exiled to Siberia
Is there any way of obtaining information going back 30 years
or so to locate a particular person? My grandmother was sent
to Siberia supposedly because my father deserted from the Russian
army. She was ordered to work in a Siberian hospital and died
a few years later before she was allowed to return home.
Azeri to Mandarin
Could you kindly help me with an Azerbaijani poem that I am translating
from English into Mandarin Chinese? I've exhausted all the possible
sources here in China. With your resources in Azerbaijan, maybe
you can help me. Who are the poets Vagif and Fuzuli mentioned
in this poem? Thanks a million in advance.
Lujun at Sichuan University, China PRC
Map of Azerbaijan
Do you know where I might find a detailed map of Azerbaijan showing
the names of small villages, specifically those in the Shemakha
region? We recently adopted a two-year old daughter from Russia,
but both of her parents were born in a small village in the Shemakha
region of Azerbaijan. The English transliteration of the Cyrillic
script on her documents shows the village as Bagirmi. I don't
know if there is such a place, or if something has been lost
in the translation. I can't seem to find anything on the Internet.
I'm not quite sure how her parents ended up in Russia, but we
understand there are many refugees from Azerbaijan who due to
economic reasons have immigrated there.
I am making a memory book for our daughter, and would like to
include maps that show this information. Thanks for any information
so that our daughter can know more about her roots.
Editor: We did succeed in finding a map with that village
name, and we sent it to her. - Editor
Climbing Highest
I'm trying to set the international record of climbing the highest
mountain in every country in the world. At present, I've climbed
142 out of the 193 of the world's highest mountains. I hope to
travel to Azerbaijan at the end of May to climb Bazarduzu, Azerbaijan's
highest mountain in the Caucasus. Can you provide any contacts
for guides and accommodation?
Ginge in the UK
Civil Architecture
I'm a PhD student at the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul
Technical University in Turkey. I'm doing research about traditional
civil architecture of Azerbaijan. If possible, could you advise
me on how I could get some samples of civil architecture of Azerbaijan
such as plans, elevations, sections of a house?
Istanbul, Turkey
Career at Snake
I am a Romanian and I want to make a snake farm to produce venom.
Can you help me? I will pay for it.
My name is Khudaidad, Qualifications BSC (Honors), DVM, MSC (Honors)
in Animal Reproduction. Now I'm going to enroll in a PhD Program
on Venom Lypholyzation of Echis Critanus and Side Winder, i.e.,
Crotauls Cerastes and its topical uses in arthritis or other
diseases. I need literature on topical use of venom, particularly
the Viperidea Family.
Snake Farms
We need information about snake farms, extraction of venom, and
the venom market.
Jeyanthi in India
Mounting Snakes
Hello. I'm a taxidermist. I can mount any of your snakes that
die, just e-mail me back. I have reasonable prices and excellent
mounts. I do full mounts, rug mounts - fpretty much any kind
of mount.
Miniature Bible
I've recently been given a miniature Bible that has a small metal
case with a magnifying glass built into the cover and also another
small magnifying glass for reading. The words Illustrated Bible
are written on the cover of the case as well as on the front
of the book. It has a burgundy colored cover with gold letters
and was printed in Glasgow by David Bryce & Son. Can you
give me any more information about this book?
Bottled Water
We desperately need bottled water. Can you put us in contact
with any companies who could supply it?
Baghdad, Iraq
Turbine Oils
We are a company in Iraq and wonder if you could supply us with
turbine oils.
Abdul in Iraq
I am from a small Pennsylvania town and I've been rescuing parrots
for the past 25 years. Recently, I found a baby pigeon wandering
around on a bridge. As it was not yet weaned, I took it in and
hand fed her until she could eat on her own. I do parrot programs
for schools. Recently, I added the pigeon to my show since I
had trained her to walk on a basketball. She's so entertaining.
I ran across your site looking for tips on keeping pigeons. Any
info that you can pass on to me about caring for her would be
Guy with the Birds - Time To Fly!
Catching Wild Pigeons
Is there any way to catch a wild pigeon, which comes within nine
feet distance from me? It has a piece of string attached around
its legs. I feed it every morning but can never get closer than
nine feet.
National Anthems
Hi, my name is Xing and I am currently compiling a book entitled
Encyclopedia of National Anthems. I am writing to request your
permission to include the English translation of the Azerbaijan
National Anthem from your site.
Xing in China
Language Policies
I'm a PhD. student in the Language Education Department of Indiana
University at Bloomington. I'm doing research about the Language
Policies in Azerbajian. As I'm a Turk myself from the Black Sea
region - not far from Azerbajian - I know the country and its
people quite well. Can you help me to find out more about language
Translators Wanted
My name is Satoko. I'm from a translation / interpretation company
based in Washington state. We are preparing a list of interpreters
for our clients. If you know any Azerbaijani interpreters who
may be interested, please have them send their resumes.
Seattle, Washington
About bathhouses. Can you give me the addresses and telephone
numbers of some of them?
Jirtdan Folktales
I have just read the story of "Jirtdan". I'm writing
a book of "Folk Tales from Around the World". I would
like very much to include Jirtdan. I am writing to ask for permission
to include a somewhat altered version of your folktale in the
Gwendolyn in Little Rock, Arkansas
Oil Tanker
I work for a Norwegian tanker shipping company and am responsible
for the company magazine. I'm writing an article on the world's
first oil tanker. I've discovered that the "Zoroaster",
which was owned by the Nobel Brothers in Baku was the first tanker
vessel ever built. Can you forward to me a good electronic copy
of the photo of the ship that accompanies the article on your
Web site?
John in Sandefjord, Norway
Foreign Language
I'm interested in taking correspondence courses in any foreign
languages that you have to offer for college credit, especially
those languages that are non-traditional languages and are typically
not offered at most universities. Please send an updated catalog.
James from Kea'au, Hawaii
Film Score
Where can I find the film score of "Rustam and Sohrab"
written by Arif Malikov? I will gladly buy the CD if it exists.
Which Monument?
I'm writing in hopes of identifying a photo for my students.
We are writing from Fairview Middle School. My students are doing
a project about Azerbaijan and have not been able to identify
the building in this photo that they found on the Internet. Can
you help us?
Mary Ellen in Fairview, West Virginia
This photo is
a monument on the hill overlooking Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.
It marks the cemetery called "Martyrs' Lane" (Shahidlar
Khiyabani) where civilian victims are buried that were killed
by Soviet troops (Black January 1990). Some of the thousands
of soldiers killed during the Karabakh War with Armenia are also
buried there. - Editor
Naftalan Oil
I'm a Russian medical doctor-therapist, MD. I was born in Ganja
(Azerbaijan) and lived four years in Kazanbulak in the Geranboy
region. I am sending my paper (in Russian) about using Naftalan
oil in modern medicine (White Naftalan Without Tar and Clear
Naphten Carbohydrates). Also I have an idea how to improve the
preparation of Naftalan oil in the clinic of our town. Where
can I order Naftalan preparations in the Azerbaijan Republic?
How much do they cost?
Vladislav in Izhevsk, Russia
Wrestling Club
I'm trying to find information about a wrestling club that used
to exist in Baku. It was called Spartacus or something like that.
It existed in the late 80s and early 90s. My mentor wrestled
for this club before coming to the United States. I was trying
to contact the club (if it still functions) to arrange a possible
future exchange between the U.S. wrestlers and those in Baku.
Picture Worth 1,000 Words
We're studying different countries in our school. What do Azerbaijani
young people look like? What kind of clothes do they wear? Do
the women wear veils? Can you send me a photo? Do they ride on
Deborah in Michigan
I really want to find out what "Bakiliyam" means!!!???
I was thinking that Bakiliyam is a city in Azerbaijan, but I
couldn't find a map of this city. Is it a word? Can you please
help me with my little investigation?
K. from Canada
translates as: "I am a Bakui", meaning, "I am
from Baku". - Editor
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