Autumn 2006 (14.3)
Maiden Tower
- Winter Solstice
The word "solstice"
means "sun standing still." At Winter Solstice, the
path of the sun in the sky has reached its most southern position
and reverses its path towards the north. It signals the beginning
of the new agricultural year.
Year Dec Time* Sunrise
2006 22 4:22 8:00 am
2007 22 10:08 8:00 am
2008 21 16:04 8:00 am
2009 21 21:47 8:00 am
2010 22 3:38 8:00 am
*Time indicates when solstice occurs. All times are for Baku,
Above: Diagram showing the sun's path in relationship
to the Earth at Summer and Winter Solstice and Spring and Autumnal
Equinox.Since the beginning of time when agricultural settlements
were established, farmers have realized that there were four
important calendrical events in the sun's annual cycle:
(1) Summer Solstice (June 21st), the point at which the sun arcs
highest in the sky giving us our warmest and longest days;
(2) Winter Solstice when the sun makes its lowest arc in the
sky and days are their shortest and coldest.
(3) Spring Equinox (March 21); and
(4) Autumn Equinox (September 21), when night and day are equally
12 hours long.
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