Volume 15.1
Readers' Forum - Tangaroa
Tangaroa Launch
See major article about
the Tangaroa
in our Winter 2006 issue.
Great Grandma Etta (Creighton) was in the fifth grade more than
70 years ago, her class made a model of a Viking ship. Not long
afterwards, Thor Heyerdahl launched his Kon Tiki balsa raft from
Peru across the Pacific (1947). In 2005, Etta learned that Heyerdahl's
grandson Olav would be on the crew of Tangaroa, another raft
following the Kon Tiki voyage. That's when she decided to see
it for herself. And off she went with her great grandson Nick
Conklin to Lima.
Great Grandma Etta (Henrietta
Creighton) who was determined to track down the Tangaroa. She
found her way to Peru from New Jersey and took her grandson Nickolas
Conklin (below) to watch it launch in April 2006.
notes that teens these days mostly hide behind hair in their
eyes, wear baggy pants and hardly know what's going on in the
world because they're constantly playing around with electronic
gadgets. She wanted to "light a fire under her great grandson"
to inspire him and so they made the trip. In the process, it
seems that Nick discovered that he is a great photographer and
a savvy traveler with a keen eye for "digging" into
ancient history. Thanks, Thor Heyerdahl and Tangaroa!
Tangaroa voyage was inspired by archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl's
Kon-Tiki expedition across the Pacific in 1947. Higraff, the
Expedition Leader of the Tangaroa, along with his crew (including
Heyerdahl's grandson) made the 4,000-mile oceanic journey from
the coast of South America to the Polynesian Islands in a record-breaking
70 days. The couple had spent their honeymoon in 2003 in Ecuador
in search of balsa logs.
Azerbaijan International published a major feature about the
construction of the Tangaroa and the rationale for the journey
in the Winter 2006 issue (AI 14.4). See "Tangaroa: Pacific
Voyage. Testing Heyerdahl's Theories about Kon-Tiki 60 Years
Later." Search Tangaroa at AZER.com. Azerbaijan International
joins the Higraffs in welcoming Paula into the big, grand world
of adventure and discovery of her parents.
Left: Tangaroa balsa raft, whose six-member
crew led by Norwegian Torgeir Saeverud Higraff, crossed the Pacific
in Spring 2006.
Both Heyerdahl and Higraff had been several times to Azerbaijan
where they have good friends.
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