Volume 15.1
Readers' Forum - Tangaroa
Welcome to the World of Adventure and Discovery
See major article about the
raft sailing the Pacific in our Winter 2006 issue.
Congratulations to Torgeir Saeverud
Higraff and his wife Mona of Norway on the birth of their daughter
Paula in January 2007. The long-awaited event for the family
occurred about nine months after the launching of the Tangaroa
balsa raft in Callao, Peru, in April 2006.
Above left:
Proud Mom - Mona Saeverud
Baby-Paula Saeverud Higraff
Right: Proud Dad - Torgeir Higraff
Tangaroa voyage was inspired by archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl's
Kon-Tiki expedition across the Pacific in 1947. Higraff, the
Expedition Leader of the Tangaroa, along with his crew (including
Heyerdahl's grandson) made the 4,000-mile oceanic journey from
the coast of South America to the Polynesian Islands in a record-breaking
70 days. The couple had spent their honeymoon in 2003 in Ecuador
in search of balsa logs.
Azerbaijan International published a major feature about the
construction of the Tangaroa and the rationale for the journey
in the Winter 2006 issue (AI 14.4). See "Tangaroa: Pacific
Voyage. Testing Heyerdahl's Theories about Kon-Tiki 60 Years
Later." Search Tangaroa at AZER.com. Azerbaijan International
joins the Higraffs in welcoming Paula into the big, grand world
of adventure and discovery of her parents.
Left: Tangaroa balsa raft, whose six-member
crew led by Norwegian Torgeir Saeverud Higraff, crossed the Pacific
in Spring 2006.
Both Heyerdahl and Higraff had been several times to Azerbaijan
where they have good friends.
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