US and Nagorno-Karabakh
 "Another dispute tangled by history and geography
concerns Armenia, Azerbaijan and the status of Nagorno-Karabakh.
The good news here is that the cease-fire has now held for more
than two years. The bad news is that progress under the OSCE's
Minsk process has been agonizingly slow. We have very substantial
economic, political and humanitarian interests in this region,
and are prepared to play a more visible role in helping to arrange
a settlement. One step that Congress could take to increase our
influence would be to lift restrictions on nonmilitary assistance
to Azerbaijan."
Madeleine Albright, newly appointed Secretary of State,
commenting on Nagorno-Karabakh before the Senate Froegin Relations
Committee on January 8 1997.
From Azerbaijan International (5.1) Spring 1997.
© Azerbaijan International 1997. All rights reserved.
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