Spring 2002 (10.1)
Airways Adopts Orphanage
Home for Inara - Azerbaijan's First Adoption
- Adopting a Child from Azerbaijan
Airways Adopts Orphanage
Saving the Children: Mobil Undertakes
Games Build Bridges: International Women's Club Reaches Out
Annual Reunion of Adopted Children from Azerbaijan
It all started out as a "Flight
of Fantasy" back in 1999, when British Airways with help
from Baku's International Women's Club, invited 60 children from
four Baku orphanages on an hour-and-a-half flight over the Caspian.
It was a memorable experience-this first flight for these children
from the Zabrat, Ahmadli, Shuvalyan and Psycho-Neurological orphanages.
(See AI 7.3, Autumn 1999). The following evening, a charity auction
at the Hyatt Regency raised $20,000 to further help the institutions
where they lived.

Above: Children from Baku's Psycho-Neurological
orphanage are benefitting from the ongoing efforts and donations
of British Airways' staff and customers.
But the involvement didn't stop there. "We decided to take
on further responsibility for one of the orphanages," explained
Sabina Sharifova, British Airways' Regional Manager in Azerbaijan.
"We picked the Psycho-Neurological Orphanage-home to 80
children with mental or physical handicaps-and started providing
food for them every month. The children's ages range from one
to seven.
It wasn't long before the employees at British Airways discovered
that the orphanage desperately needed to have its bathrooms be
renovated. Part of the building had been closed off because the
bathroom facilities were in such poor condition.
British staff members helped raise money to refurbish the bathrooms,
and local businesses like Morrison Construction, Baku Hotel Company
and Karadagh Cement provided materials and free labor. By May
2001, the project was underway.
The airline's staff is planning to raise further funds among
themselves to complete the work on the orphanage's bathrooms
as well as supply food, clothes and medication. At a recent New
Year's party, the children were presented with a VCR and dozens
of cartoon videos. These were purchased from funds contributed
by the staff of the airline and of British Mediterranean Airways,
the franchise carrier that operates the Baku-London route.
The project with the orphanage is expanding and passengers will
have the opportunity-if they wish-to contribute to the effort
via the airline's "Warm Winter Project", which is raising
funds to install heating systems in the orphanage. For each ticket
purchased in Azerbaijan, passengers may contribute $1 to this
humanitarian project.
To find out more about helping the orphanage or to get involved
with their next project to acquire special developmental toys
and equipment, contact Sabina Sharifova, British Airways, Hyatt
International Center, 1033 Izmir Street, Baku. Tel: (994-12)
97-05-00; Fax: 97-77-03; sabina.1.sharifova@britishairways.com.
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