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Baku - Best
Kept Secrets
2003 (11.2)
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8 Contributors
10 Readers' Forum
14 Editorial: Best Kept Secrets
in Baku - Betty Blair
16 Lutfiyar Imanov Reminisces
about Opera Career - Aida Huseinova
20 Guidelines: Taking Art Out
of Azerbaijan
21 Artists in the Loft at 500
Istiglaliyyat - Betty Blair
22 Art: Namig Mammadov -
Artist of Ethereal Dreams and Music
26 Art: Gennadiy Brijatyuk
- One of Great Portrait Painters
30 Art: Bahram Khalilov
- Watchful Eye on Mother Nature
34 Art:
Husein Hagverdiyev - The Experimenter of Texture
36 Art:
Tofig Gazanfar - Exploring Primitive Folk Style
38 Art:
Yavar Sultanov - In Love with Architecture
40 Rostropovich's
Home Museum - Gulnar Aydamirova
43 Miniature Book Museum
- Ulviyya Mammadova
44 Mud Volcanos: Mysterous
Phenomna Fascinate Scientists and Tourists - Ronnie Gallagher
50 Mud Volcano Eruption
- An Eyewitness Account in 1887 - Brita Asbrink
52 Atashgah
- As Seen by Alexander Dumas 150 Years Ago - Farid Alakbarov
54 Azerbaijan
- Land of Fire - Observations from the Ancients - Farid Alakbarov
56 Azerbaijan's
Oil History - Chronology Since 1920 - Pat 2 - Miryusif Mirbabayev
64 The New Pipeline
- Juan Boulos of CCIC
68 LUKoil's
Activities: D-222 / Yalama Project Expands
69 Progress
at McDermott: Activities at the Shipyards
70 BP Current Developments:
Enlarging the Terminal at Sangachal - Bayatly
72 BTC Section: Construction Begins
- The Pipeline is On Its Way Now
82 Oil Contracts - Pie Charts for all Oil Contracts with International
Companies since 1994
From Azerbaijan International (11.2) Summer 2003.
© Azerbaijan International 2003. All rights reserved.
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