Summer 2003 (11.2)
Progress At McDermott
at the Shipyards
 Left: The Baku Deep Water Jacket Factory where McDermott's
projects are being constructed.
Guloghlan Nazarov, 47,
still remembers the spring day back in 1992 when he first met
representatives of McDermott Caspian Contractors Inc. (MCCI),
the Caspian operating subsidiary of J. Ray McDermott S.A. "I
had been working at the Baku Deepwater Fabrication Factory for
nearly 10 years and was anxious about the changes that were taking
place at the factory and about its future," he recalls.
It was very difficult time for the Baku Deepwater Jacket Factory
(BDJF), and Azerbaijan's economy had been affected by social
and economic problems just like all the other newly independent
republics after the collapse of the Soviet Union. "Being
a master mechanic at the factory, I had always worked closely
with MCCI. After a while, I became convinced that their presence
would revive the facility that had been one of the largest and
most modern industrial units in the region. I'm so glad my intuition
was right," says Nazarov.
Guloghlan was one of hundreds of Azerbaijani professionals participating
in MCCI's previous fabrication activities in the Caspian as a
contractor for AIOC's Early Oil Project in 1997. Shortly after
that project was completed, Guloghlan returned to work for BDJF,
which, by that time, had been renamed ShelfProjectStroi (SPS).
Then when MCCI was awarded a new contract for AIOC's Phase 1
of the Azeri Project in 2001, Guloghlan was invited to rejoin
MCCI as Equipment Maintenance Superintendent. "It sounds
confusing, doesn't it?" asks Guloghlan rhetorically: "During
the last ten years, I've worked for BDJF, MCCI, SPS and MCCI
again, but in reality I've never moved from the fabrication area
where I started more than 20 years ago as a graduate of Kiev
Polytechnic University!"
 Left: Guloghlan Nazarov who works at the shipyards.
The changes I've seen
since I rejoined MCCI in January 2002 are amazing," says
Guloghlan. In October 2002, MCCI signed new contracts with AIOC
for the fabrication of two integrated topside decks - West Azeri
(WA) and East Azeri (EA) - for Phase 2 of the Azeri Project,
and the installation of the 28-inch gas trunkline from the Azeri
field to the Sangachal Terminal. The size of the two decks, WA
and EA weigh approximately 15,500MT each.
Earlier in November 2001 MCCI was involved with the fabrication
and installation of Central Azeri (CA) 14,000MT integrated deck
and offshore installation of 187km of export pipeline for Phase
1 of the Azeri Project.
MCCI with BDJF are forming a new Azerbaijan company, Caspian
Offshore Fabricators, LLC (COFLLC) to carry out the work for
the fabrication of decks. MCCI will provide COFLLC with its technology,
proven in-house resources, development experience and project
management expertise to manage and build project facilities.
BDJF will contribute the required fabrication facilities and
skilled personnel.
"Upgrades and fabrication work have commenced on the WA
contract and are currently ahead of schedule," said Clint
Anderson, Vice President of MCCI. "A full infrastructure
is being established at the BDJF yard after the comprehensive
Phase 1 upgrade program where we undertook work valued at more
than US $20 million to refurbish the existing facilities,"
said Anderson.
"By the end of April 2003, our work on the CA contract approached
the mid-point of the schedule and the project is on track for
Sailaway at the end of June 2004", explained Anderson. "Although
the upgrades scope of work of KMNF's pipelay barge, the "Israfil
Huseynov", which we are also commissioned to execute by
AIOC has turned out to be larger than we initially expected,
we are optimistic that the barge will depart for sea trials towards
the end of May 2003."
The barge upgrade has required more than 600,000 MCCI direct
labor and subcontractor man-hours over the last 14 months. The
offshore installation scope of pipelay includes approximately
400km of oil export lines, gas lines and in-field lines, with
approximately 31,500 pipe joints of 30-, 28-, and 18-inch diameters,
to be installed. The pipelay barge is scheduled for nearly a
full year of continuous operation for AIOC.
"We have completed 16 months of continuous work with no
serious incidents in the fabrication yard and on the barge",
continued Anderson. "This is a remarkable achievement and
we could never have reached this milestone without the committed
efforts and hard work of our operations and project teams."
"Our family of employees and associates has substantially
increased, too. At present, more than 80 percent of our workforce
is Azerbaijani personnel. We are proud to have experienced 'old-hands'
like Guloghlan Nazarov working as part of our team. With this
amount of employment of Azerbaijani personnel, we continue contributing
to the economic development of the country by providing employment
opportunities for Azerbaijanis," concluded Anderson.
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AI 11.2 (Summer 2003)
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