Summer 2003 (11.2)
Readers' Forum
For Peace
Editor's Note: In our Spring issue (AI 11.1), we drew
attention to the anti-war sentiment expressed by Thor Heyerdahl
25 years ago when the Norwegian explorer and archaeologist burned
his reed ship, the Tigris, to protest the enormous arms sales
to countries in the Middle East by Western as well as Soviet
countries. Heyerdahl (1915-2002) had close ties with Azerbaijan
because of his theories that Scandinavians were descendents from
people living in the region of Azerbaijan more than 1000 years
ago. (See Azerbaijan International, search "Heyerdahl"
at AZER.com.)
Heyerdahl passed away last spring (April 18, 2002) at the age
of 87. After consulting with his wife Jacqueline Beer of the
Canary Islands and Bjornar Storfjell, Director of the Thor Heyerdahl
Centre in London, we felt that if Heyerdahl had been with us
today, he would have contacted the present U.N. Secretary-General
Kofi Anan to draw attention to his boat-burning protest and remind
him that the world's political situation has basically not changed
in 25 years. He would have used the occasion to champion the
rights of all people to live together in peace.
After considerable effort, we finally were able to track down
the fax number that would get the immediate direct attention
of Kofi Anan. We succeeded in passing along the article that
we were preparing about Heyerdahl for our Spring issue. Here
is the reply from the U.N. office:
Thank you for your letter dated
March 28, 2003. The Secretary-General [Kofi Anan] has asked me
to convey to you that he was very pleased by your words of encouragement.
Your article on Dr. Thor Heyerdahl and his voyage on the reed
vessel "Tigris" serves as a timely reminder of the
responsibility we all have for the maintenance of peace and the
respect we owe to the cradle of civilization from where he started
his journey. With best wishes,
S. Iqbal Riza
Chef de Cabinet, United Nations
Executive Office of the Secretary-General United Nations
New York City, April 16, 2003
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