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Decipherment of the Caucasian Albanian Script
2003 (11.3)
To order this magazine issue or subscribe
6 Contributors
8 Readers' Forum
12 Editorial: Pathfinders -
14 Tribute: Sergio De Mello
of the UN (1948 - 2003) - Paolo Lembo
16 Tribute: Writer and Folklorist
Aziza Jafarzade (1921 - 2003) - Blair
17 Stone Boy - Aziza
21 Quotable Quotes
22 Baku Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Azerbaijan Hosts 2003 World Cup
24 European Judo Championship
in Baku
26 The
Vikings Are Coming! Swedes Are Sailing to Baku - Hakan Altrock
28 Music Awards: Van
Cliburn Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom;
Japanese Perform Garayev's
Seven Beauties
30 Van
Gogh. Move Over: Artist Faig Gambarov's Explosion of Wild Color
32 Science:
Physicist Hasan Abdullayev: 85th Jubilee - Adil Baguirov
33 Longevity: Does Milk Make
a Difference? - Betty Blair
34 Reunion: "Celebrating
our Families" - Kathleen W. Shryock
38 Caucasian Albanian Alphabet:
Ancient Script Discovered in the Ashes - Zaza Alexidze and
Betty Blair
42 Udi
Language: Compared with Ancient Albanian - Alexidze
43 Quick
Facts: Caucasian Albanian Script - Alexidze and Blair
44 Albanian
Script: How Its Secrets Were Revealed? - Alexidze and Blair
52 Zaza
Alexidze. Decipherer: Glimpses of Childhood - Blair
56 Caucasian
Albanian Script: Significance of Dechipherment - Alexidze
58 Udins
Today: Ancestors of the Caucasian Albanians - Zurab Konanchev
60 Music Therapy: What
Doctors Knew Cenuries Ago - Farid Alakbarov
62 Traditional Instruments:
Majnun Karimov Brings Medieval Music to Life
63 English-Azerbaijani
Dictionary: Legacy fo Oruj Musayev - Blair
64 Sociolinguistically
Speaking, Part 16: Taboos and Euphemisms - Garibova
66 Opera: History in Stamps
- Paul den Ouden
69 Educational Opportunities
70 New Books: What's New in Print
About Azerbaijan
72 New Faces / New Places:
International Business and Embassies in Baku
74 Baku's Old City: Statoil
Sponsors New Film - Pal Eitrheim
76 Exxon Azerbaijan: Philanthropic
Program in Azerbaijan
70 BP Current Developments:
BTC Pipelaying Begins - Tamam Bayatly
72 BTC Section: From Pipedream to Reality
From Azerbaijan International (11.3) Autumn 2003.
© Azerbaijan International 2003. All rights reserved.
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