Autumn 2003 (11.3)
Music Awards
Van Cliburn
Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom
 Left: Concert Pianist Van Cliburn receiving the President
Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush in the White House
in July. Cliburn won the Tchaikovsky Piano Competition in Moscow
On July 23, 2003, President
George W. Bush honored Concert Pianist Van Cliburn with the Presidential
Medal of Freedom in a ceremony at the White House.
The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest U.S. award bestowed
upon civilians. President Truman established the prize in 1945
to recognize notable service in the war. In 1963, President Kennedy
reintroduced it as an honor for distinguished civilian service
during peacetime.
Cliburn was among 10 recipients of this year's award which included:
Jacques Barzu (historian), Julia Child (gourmet chef), Roberto
Clemente Walker (baseball player), Vaclav Havel (former President
of Czech Republic), Charton Heston (actor), Edward Teller (physicist),
R. David Thomas (entrepreneur), Byron Raymond White (Supreme
Court Justice), James Q. Wilson (political scientist) and John
R. Wooden (basketball coach).
In 1958, Cliburn was the first winner of the Tschaikovski International
Piano Competition, which was held in Moscow.
It was the height of the Cold War tension between the Soviet
Union and the West, and Khrushchev was in power. Van
Cliburn's victory was a phenomenal achievement for the 23-year-old
and caused a sensation both in the USSR and the U.S. Much to
Khruschev's credit, the Soviet leader allowed a non-Russian,
who in this case showed himself to be the superior performer,
to win the coveted prize. Cliburn returned home to a ticker tape
parade in New York City. See
"The Era of Van Cliburn: Musical Phenomenon in the Midst
of Cold War," in Azerbaijan International, AI 3.3 (Autumn
1995). Search at AZER.com.
Cliburn's link with Azerbaijan was his piano performance in Baku's
Philharmonic Hall two years later on June 28, 1960. Those who
were fortunate enough to gain admittance (approximately 1,500
people) still remember the concert vividly.
Cliburn went on to tour widely and then created the Van Cliburn
International Piano Competition which helps launch the careers
of younger pianists. The Competition held in Fort Worth, Texas,
every four years gathers approximately 30 young musicians from
around the world to celebrate their gifts and compete for a wide
variety of prizes, including generous cash awards and numerous
concert engagements. The Twelfth Van Cliburn International Piano
Competition will be held May 20-June 5, 2005. See CLIBURN.org.
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