Winter 2003 (11.4)
Energy Within Us
 "Many people really don't understand
what war is all about, but I've experienced it. War is absolute
destruction: broken lives, broken fates and broken loves. It's
so difficult to survive all that.
Because of war, I completely lost my sight at the age of 20.
One cannot imagine how deep I sank and how immensely I suffered.
To lose your sight is so devastating. They say a drowning person
will even grasp at a straw. But, frankly speaking, there wasn't
even a single straw to grasp. But we never know how much energy
and potential we carry within us. It was that invisible energy
that enabled me to gradually rise up and deal with this crisis
in my life."
Faig Karimov, 31, reflecting on his struggles to find
meaning in his life after he was injured in the Nagorno-Karabakh
war. He finally decided to study English and went on to earn
his Master's Degree. He now teaches Oral Translation at the State
University of Languages.
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AI 11.4 (Winter 2003)
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