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& Mysteries at Sea
2006 (14.4)
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4 Contents and Features
6 Contributors
(1) Dr. Viktor Kvachidze - First Scuba Diving Archaeological
Expedition in the Caspian
(2) Torgeir Higraff - Expedition Leader of Tangaroa Raft Sailing
Across Pacific
(3) Maud Beck - 30 Years of Sister City Relationships between
Baku and Houston
(4) Zhenya Anichenko - The Caspian and Maritime Underwater Studies
(5) Shryock Family (Kathleen and Jim, with their children Lucas
and Rachel) - Growing "Samani" for Novruz.
10 Readers' Forums
Maiden Tower and Winter Solstice - Betty Blair
Maiden Tower and Spring
Equinox - Ronnie Gallagher
Similarities between Azerbaijanis
and Hispanics in Los Angeles - Lala Baloghlanova
14 2007 Holiday Calendar. More
Official Holidays This Year
16 Editorial: Discovering Marvels
& Mysteries at Sea - Betty Blair
Format - 150 KB
18 Novruz: Celebrating Spring -
Kathleen Shryock
19 How to Grow "Samani"
for Novruz - Rachel and Lucas Shryock
Format - 600 KB
22 Legacy: Thor Heyerdahl's Involvement
in Azerbaijan
23 Expeditions by Raft
across Oceans
26 Norwegian-Azerbaijani
Links: Hiking in the Caucasus, Sailing the Pacific - Higraff
Format - 500 KB
28 Tangaroa: Testing Heyerdahl's
Theories about Kon-Tiki 60 Years Later - Torgeir Higraff
and Betty Blair
MB Complete article (pages 28-53)
PDF-436 KB Part1
(pages 28-34)
PDF- 596 KBPart 2 (pages
PDF- 268 KBPart 3 (pages
PDF- 96 KB Part 4 (page
35 Quick
Facts: Comparing the Two Rafts: Kon-Tiki and Tangaroa - Higraff
and Blair
54 Underwater Archaeology in the Caspian:
Past, Present and Hopefully Future in the Caspian - Zhenya
58 Hidden Treasures: First Expeditions
Beneath the Caspian - Dr. Viktor Kvachidze
68 Baku and Houston: Celebrating
30 Years as Sister Cities - Maud Beck
72 New Faces / New Places
Norwegian Ambassador - Jon Ramberg
Turkish Ambassador - Husein Avni Karslioghlu
UN and UNDP Representative - Bruno Pouezat
Statoil Country Manager - Christian Hausken
73 Educational Opportunities
74 BP Developments. Petroleum:
East Azeri Oil - Tamam Bayatli
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