Winter 2006 (14.4)
Page 23
Raft Expeditions
- Books
Kon-Tiki by Heyerdahl
by Thor Heyerdahl tells the story of how six young men proved
that a prehistoric voyage from South America was possible, contrary
to the predictions of scientists and sailors. The South American
balsa raft, which scholars had claimed would sink if it were
not regularly dried out ashore, stayed buoyant as a cork. And
Polynesia, held to be inaccessible for a watercraft from ancient
America, proved to be well within the range of aboriginal voyagers
from Peru.
"Kon-Tiki" became a best-seller. Eventually, it was
translated into 65 languages [20 million copies] and a film about
the voyage was awarded an Oscar as Best Documentary in 1951.
"Given the imaginative birth of this adventure, its brilliant
audacity, its gambler's throw with death, its resource in peril
and its success, any book about it would, perhaps, write itself.
Heyerdahl has made it a superb adventure story, which all the
world may, and probably will read."
From Times Literary Supplement in London, April 7, 1950 (reprinted
in "Kon -Tiki", Readers' Supplement. Washington Square
Press: New York, 1984, p 48)
Sea Drift by Capelotti
Drift" documents more than 40 expeditions via trans-oceanic
rafts that were carried out after Thor Heyerdahl's bold experiment
drifting 4,000 miles across the Pacific on the Kon-Tiki balsa
raft (1947)Heyerdahl's work which today is called "experimental
archaeology" has inspired generations because he took physical
risks to test a hypothesis about migratory patterns of early
man that had never been tested by modern man. In reality, the
majority of them could not be called successful. Several vessels
went down at sea and lost some of their crew.
Capelotti's research examines expeditions that have occurred
over more than 50 years, which makes "Sea Drift" a
truly fascinating account of human daring, endurance, and, sometimes
- foolhardiness.
Capelotti wrote the introduction to the 50th anniversary edition
of "Kon-Tiki" as well as "By Airship to the North
Pole" (Rutgers University Press, 1999). Capelotti teaches
archaeology and American studies at Penn State University at
"Sea Drift: Rafting Adventures in the Wake of Kon-Tiki"
by P.J. Capelotti. Rutgers University Press: Piscataway, New
Jersey, 2001
La Balsa by Alsar
Balsa" is the story of the longest raft voyage in recorded
history - 8,600 miles across the Pacific - from Ecuador to Australia.
Inspired by Thor Heyerdahl's successful voyage in 1947, Vital
Alsar from Spain, along with three other crew members organized
an expedition on a similar balsa craft like the Kon-Tiki for
an expedition that began in May 1970.
Unfortunately, the craft was too small for the rough waters they
encountered. The crew barely survived their ordeal of six months
at sea. They had to cope with gale-force winds accompanied by
50-foot waves when the crew had to hang onto the mast to keep
from being swept into the ocean. Menacing sharks constantly followed
They suffered from extreme temperatures - broiling heat during
the day and numbing cold at night. Then they had to maneuver
through jagged coral reefs between Samoa and Australia. It was
only through sheer wit, character and stamina that the crew even
managed to survive. "La Balsa: The Longest Raft Voyage in
History" by Vital Alsar with Enrique Hank Lopez. E.P. Dutton:
New York, 1973
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