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and Language in Transition
Spring 2000 (8.1)
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7 Contributors
8 Reader's
10 Editorial:
Alphabet and Language in Transition - Betty Blair
11 20th Century Timeline: Alphabet Changes in Azerbaijan
12 Language
Shifts: Gamburger
Becomes Hamburger
13 Alphabet
Changes in Azerbaijan in the 20th Century
14 Standardizing
Azeri Fonts -
Betty Blair and Ed Lake
15 Changes
in the Azerbaijan Alphabet Sequence in the 20th Century
Seven Good Reasons to
Standardize Azeri Fonts
17 The
Land of Azeri Fonts: It's
a Jungle Out There - Rovzat Gasimov and Jean Patterson
18 The
U.S. and Iran: Daring
to be Friends? - Madeleine Albright
22 World
Press Photo: Portrait
of Loss and Courage - Betty Blair
24 Russia's
'Sphere of Influence':
Chechnya and Beyond - Zbigniew Brzezinski
25 Quotable
26 Protecting
the Azerbaijani Language
- Parliament Considers Law on Language Usage
27 On
the Street: Viewpoints
about the Alphabet Transition
38 Where's
the Azeri? Trends
Among Naming Store Signs in Baku - Farida Sadikhova and Marjan
40 Spelling
Standards: Azerbaijani
Male Names, Female Names, Family Names and Major Place Names
- Compiled by Aynur Hajiyeva
46 You Won't
Forget Me, Will You, Tutu?
- Farida Sadikhova
50 Early
Alphabets in Azerbaijan
- Farid Alakbarov
53 Mirza
Fatali Akhundov,
Alphabet Reformer Before His Time - Farid Alakbarov
54 Personal
Reflections on
the History of Alphabet Reform - Anar
55 Azeri
Writers Speak Out on Azeri
- Rasul Reza, Vagif Samadoghlu, Mirza Ibrahimov and Samad Vurghun
58 Arabic
or Latin? Debates
at the First Turkology Congress Hosted by Baku in 1926.
62 Language
and Alphabet Transitions
in Molla Nasraddin Magazine
64 Learning
to Read All Over Again:
Alphabet Changes in Azerbaijan Throughout the Century - Kamal
67 Publishing
in Azerbaijan
- Nazim Ibrahimov
68 Changes
in Azerbaijan's Educational Landscape - Isgandar Isgandarov, Deputy Minister of Education
70 What the
Azeri Language Tells us
About Stroke Victims and Vice Versa - Gulmira Sadiyeva
74 Information
Explosion: Internet
Clubs in Azerbaijan - Vafa Mastanova
76 Polad
Bulbuloghlu Returns
to the Spotlight - Jean Patterson
79 Our
Alphabet - Rahim
Raisnia (Azeri in Arabic script)
80 Sociolinguistics Part 6: Apologizing - Jala Garibova
and Betty Blair
82 Business & Opportunities
85 New Faces, New Places
87 SOCAR Section (Conoco, Shell, Lukoil, Statoil, Ramco, Eni)
93 BP Amoco
Current Developments
- Tamam Bayatly
From Azerbaijan
(8.1) Spring 2000.
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